Mittwoch, 30. September 2009
friendship and downhill longboarding in la, a trip in company of a guy, who is riding and smiling perfectly. a relaxing time and good work in my homey library, together with guys that make me stay awake til late at night. watching movies, breathing insideout, turning around, staying awake and being. Applying for and thinking and daydreaming about studies in spain, i would love to go there. I went home and chose a party, was consuming media in unknown sizes. Then zeitkompetenztraining, I was feeling so alright, though falling roughly into ground, pain was being switched off immediately, so thinking about how to spend time productively for some time, being discussed about my punctuality quite personally, and fearing things might work or not. I'm gonna go to a theatre in a lonely town, I was a helping hand for the stage of the play. Nice company chosen.
Freitag, 18. September 2009
Now a little hip hop by puppetmastaz. Before that, there was Spaghetti in red Pesto, blue water coming down from above and white foam being everywhere and there was a sweating bass riding his longboard home from a bad taste party in a really multicultural sausolitós bar. Nice talking it was to me. And i had a confusing and unexplainable accident with some people walking on the street. Luckily no damage done. I had been to the library of the matheinstitut today and was rehearsing stuff that i did not write in tests written a long time ago. With having had a powerful breakfast, consisting of bread, butter, marmalade, black tea and a cigarette(!) it was beautiful to spend an afternoon and evening with books, computers and electrodynamics.
But let me start from the beginning of these days. No less place than "die rote sonne" was chosen as the world of our party culture and let me recommend [trap] to you, what a freaking sound it was! Though there was this little misery with a bottle of rum and cola and limetten being stolen, we were just gaining pleasure, beat by beat. And it was certainly no song that i ever heard before and it was certainly, cruelly different in this sausalitós bar. My company were my intership team members and they got along with all this beauty or noise and high or confusing stuff, very well. and: Beautiful talking well it was to me.
I got home, watched the movie "coffee and cigarettes" by Jim Jarmusch and celebrated this oh so joyful living of me and the movie, and my eyes closed, i fell asleep and i got up and got breakfast...
But let me start from the beginning of these days. No less place than "die rote sonne" was chosen as the world of our party culture and let me recommend [trap] to you, what a freaking sound it was! Though there was this little misery with a bottle of rum and cola and limetten being stolen, we were just gaining pleasure, beat by beat. And it was certainly no song that i ever heard before and it was certainly, cruelly different in this sausalitós bar. My company were my intership team members and they got along with all this beauty or noise and high or confusing stuff, very well. and: Beautiful talking well it was to me.
I got home, watched the movie "coffee and cigarettes" by Jim Jarmusch and celebrated this oh so joyful living of me and the movie, and my eyes closed, i fell asleep and i got up and got breakfast...
Donnerstag, 17. September 2009
Nothing to do.
I guess it is just a matter of time that i begin to have a life with more urgent challenges. These days i just want to go out and have simplicity and beauty in conversation, in longboarding and in music or just in sitting around at my home and having nothing to do or, to say it in another way, to be able to do what i want. So i say. Come on, life! what do you have to offer!? And of course life is not disappointing. And of course, it is some kind of challenge, to have nothing to do. So i collect all the things lying around and make them part of life. Maybe to have a little pushing, i got a new haircut today, i guess i like it.
i hope my english does not sound embarrassing. i want to keep my contact high to this language, it appears the most real one to me, probably because of media in english and because it is both, european and american culture as well, and it is the language of science.
What media told me today was about a guy who fired at his school mates, hurt them seriously and who was then shot down by the police. a deep scar for everyone of the people involved, probably no dead victims, just physical and psychological wounds. Maybe a great loss of belief in goodness of life. Another thing was about a 28 year old turkish man, who grew up as a strongly believing religious man in the same german city and became a suicide bomber, killing soldier's and civilians in Afghanistan. A video of this Al Quaida hero can be seen at terrorism... I recently saw the film "Der Baader-Meinhof-Komplex", people being taught how to be an terrorist and thinking about how to damage structures of a political system, how to change things with violence. An important story of history. Politics do now mean nothing to society than they did in these times, or maybe, if not, people do not find the things that ought to be fought for, at least against Vorratsdatenspeicherung and Studiengebühren we do, and that's a good thing. It is beautiful that ideologies are almost gone, with the hard ones, fascism, socialism and communism being so far away in time and space from us, with peace and love and hippie-culture being inappropiate to modern times, with capitalism failing, we now trust in a green and clean future, when we will be riding electric cars and using energy produced by huge solar power stations in the desert.
But i love to see when different people come together. I want love and understanding between all of our world's cultures. Nothing else. and freedom for everyone, it is the most important meaning of security in my life.
i hope my english does not sound embarrassing. i want to keep my contact high to this language, it appears the most real one to me, probably because of media in english and because it is both, european and american culture as well, and it is the language of science.
What media told me today was about a guy who fired at his school mates, hurt them seriously and who was then shot down by the police. a deep scar for everyone of the people involved, probably no dead victims, just physical and psychological wounds. Maybe a great loss of belief in goodness of life. Another thing was about a 28 year old turkish man, who grew up as a strongly believing religious man in the same german city and became a suicide bomber, killing soldier's and civilians in Afghanistan. A video of this Al Quaida hero can be seen at terrorism... I recently saw the film "Der Baader-Meinhof-Komplex", people being taught how to be an terrorist and thinking about how to damage structures of a political system, how to change things with violence. An important story of history. Politics do now mean nothing to society than they did in these times, or maybe, if not, people do not find the things that ought to be fought for, at least against Vorratsdatenspeicherung and Studiengebühren we do, and that's a good thing. It is beautiful that ideologies are almost gone, with the hard ones, fascism, socialism and communism being so far away in time and space from us, with peace and love and hippie-culture being inappropiate to modern times, with capitalism failing, we now trust in a green and clean future, when we will be riding electric cars and using energy produced by huge solar power stations in the desert.
But i love to see when different people come together. I want love and understanding between all of our world's cultures. Nothing else. and freedom for everyone, it is the most important meaning of security in my life.
Samstag, 12. September 2009
Ein bittersüßes Leben. Ich bin vor zwei Tagen durch einen Wald mit dem Poeten von einem zum anderen See gegangen. Wir saßen uns nieder und hielten unsere Füße ins Wasser. Dann bewunderten wir Ingenieursbaukünste und Wände hochlaufende Menschen. Wir bereiteten unser Fest und es war mir eine Freude es so schön als möglich zu feiern. Wir gingen erfüllt auseinander und ich zum See, weil ein Bächlein vom monumentalen Wasserkraftwerk trocken gelegt wurde. Another purple, yellow, pink, red and blue shining sunset was it, that I watched sitting around in my tent and reading short storys before I finally gave up forcing and fell asleep. Having to get up early enough was not possible, I began to realize why other people do not go camping in September. Pretty cold and humid in these nights. I did not leave out any opportunity for a photo this morning and my timing was perfect, thanks to some nice guy who fulfilled my wish and gave me a ride to Kochel am See central station. I took the bus to another friendly little town named Ohlstadt and catched the train, where I hugged a friend with my best wishes. Equipping ourselves with security measurements and shoes and lightening myself, I mean leaving all my camping stuff at the station, we waited for and took the toothwheeltrain and the gondula from 802 to 2030 meters. we were climbing up the ladder. Another 600 meters higher on this Alpspitze, a rough alpine and besides some crazy birds and flowers a dead terrain. Stones everywhere. Und dann gab es feinste Speisen auf diesm Gipfel, vielen Dank hierfür! Wir stiegen die via ferrata, die eiserne Straße, die Autobahn unter den Klettersteigen hinauf und gingen woanders hinunter. So einfach und so schön ist dieses Wandern und Bergsteigen, man kann denken so wie man will. Mit Mamas Marmelade und in dämmriger, angenehmer Bewegungslosigkeit im Zug nach Maisach. Ich brachte die Kiste zum laufen und ließ sie laufen und holte mir Pizza! Mit dem griechischen PhD, der in unserer Messhütte schläft, verstehe ich mich recht ausgezeichnet. Ein Mann, der Ideale hat und er verschafft mir etwas Aussicht und das motiviert. Aber meine Freiheitsideale gerieten auf dem Nachhauseweg ins wanken, wie lange würde ich noch in der Lage sein so rumzulaufen, wann werde ich mal erwachsen und komme zur Vernunft? Wohl nicht solange ich noch Spaß daran finde. Ich nahm eine Dusche und ging in dieser Nacht noch einmal longboarden, das erste mal seit der roten Sonne. Denn wovor sollte ich mich denn fürchten? Vor Müdigkeit etwa? Vor Schmerzen im Fuß allerhöchstens vielleicht, weil seitdem ich von See zu See gegangen bin hat mein fein bandagiertes Fußgelenk mir keine Probleme mehr bereitet und dabei hatte ich es eigentlich herausgefordert.
Montag, 7. September 2009
Das Wohl und Wehe meiner Freiheiten. Natürliche Grenzen führen zu einem unmöglichen Lebensschlafrhythmus, ich setze mir ab heute bewusst welche und erhoffe mir ein weniger verbautes Leben, weil irgendwann, wenn nicht mehr vernünftig gedacht wird, steht sich die Lebenslust dann selbst im Weg. Die brennende und euphorische Lebenslust ist das wirklich nicht, die ich daheim so zelebriere, es ist eher eine bedächtige und impressive und schöne. Weil mich jeder Schritt schmerzt, verbringe ich viel Zeit daheim und wenn man befürchtet ich würde mich langweilen, dann sei gesagt, wer mit Muse lebt, der braucht die Langeweile gar nicht zu fürchten. Daher bemühe ich mich stets um die Muse und eine ist mir ohnehin sicher. Aber in Sicherheit wägen will ich mich nicht gerne mehr, Herausforderungen an Moral, Disziplin oder Talent wären mir nun recht. Ich geh mal suchen...
Donnerstag, 3. September 2009
Ein Orthopäde hat heute eine Sehnenentzündung in meinem Knöchel diagnostiziert und mir ne Woche ohne Longboard verordnet. Eine nette, nervige Gewissheit. Als ich schon mal einen Orthopäden diesbezüglich konsultieren wollte, tat ich es doch nicht und fuhr und boardete zum Ammersee. Die Überzeugung fehlte mir den ganzen Tag über und die Abreise verzögerte sich auf kaum erträgliche Art und Weise. Aber schönes Wetter und schöner See, nette Menschen, netter bass, klarer Himmel und Sternbilder, Warmfrontdurchzug und Gewitter, ein Trip nach meinem Geschmack. Die erste Nacht im Quechua-Zelt mit diesem guten Morgen:

Solche Entscheidungen sind also mehr oder minder eindeutig und das wäre diese ohnehin ja auch gewesen, ohne Schmerz im Fuß. Es bewahrheitete sich ebenso das Übel des Besitzes. Die einen haben Villen und gar Yachten, ich hab meine ganz eigene Freiheit. Fühlte sich schon an wie ein Leben als Aussteiger. Die Annehmlichkeiten der Zivilisation, ein Segen und ein Fluch, aber ich hab die Balance.
Dann hab ich gestern Nacht mit einem Freund getrunken und die Ausnüchterungstage sind nicht ganz so angenehm wie einst, aber in Ordnung. Unschätzbar wertvoll sind die Wolken heute Abend, die mir die Arbeit ersparen mit dem Lidar die Atmosphären zu durchstrahlen.

Solche Entscheidungen sind also mehr oder minder eindeutig und das wäre diese ohnehin ja auch gewesen, ohne Schmerz im Fuß. Es bewahrheitete sich ebenso das Übel des Besitzes. Die einen haben Villen und gar Yachten, ich hab meine ganz eigene Freiheit. Fühlte sich schon an wie ein Leben als Aussteiger. Die Annehmlichkeiten der Zivilisation, ein Segen und ein Fluch, aber ich hab die Balance.
Dann hab ich gestern Nacht mit einem Freund getrunken und die Ausnüchterungstage sind nicht ganz so angenehm wie einst, aber in Ordnung. Unschätzbar wertvoll sind die Wolken heute Abend, die mir die Arbeit ersparen mit dem Lidar die Atmosphären zu durchstrahlen.

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