The world from my point of view - love to my No and my friends.

My communication to society, my statements, perspectives and critique.

Freitag, 1. August 2014


Within the social contract, as defined in Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan, a responsibility is implied - that of signing the social contract. With the origin of that being the necessity of a solution to civil war-like situations, we can, within peaceful Europe, already question its justification. Our nowadays social contract is the frame of economics or social pressure systems, we're born into. For sure, there have been and still are frames of pressure, much worse than ours, but still I tend to not wanting to live within mine - so, is this the well-known praise of liberation from the whatever system, of freedom? No, it shall rather be the curse on, sorry, no, the discussion of our pressure systems. One vigorously present argument or motivation to commit to our system is, previously and in RESET mentioned, responsibility. Responsibility is incorporated in our economic system, primarily as people agree to look for a job and to then pay taxes. In our social capitalism, with people earning less money paying less taxes and vice versa, inequalities in income are ought to be balanced by inequalities in tax rates. Looking at the past century, social capitalism has been successfull, for sure due to both, the socialistic and capitalistic components, in the sense that economics, technology, for sure also individual freedom and social security, and lot's of things have flourished - so I do not say, that basic objectives were negelected - but I want to doubt whether our problem-solving and economic systems are still applicable to our present constitution.

However, responsibility is also a basic human ability, allowing for non-egoistic behaviour and for standing up straight for misbehaviour, eventually something purely good? But still, within our system, I would like to question whether our felt, social responsility is nothing but another exploit of ourself as a human ressource.

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