The world from my point of view - love to my No and my friends.

My communication to society, my statements, perspectives and critique.

Freitag, 1. August 2014

The basics in peace-making - even if

Despite the recent and ever-present conflict between Israel and Palestine, I do not surrend to believe in the potential of humanity, I even dare to define the basics in peace-making, in this case, as abstract as neccessary:

To the Israelis:

- accept the Palestinians' right of having ground to live and of having a national state
- understand and accept Hamas' violence against Israel as a reaction to their fear of losing their ground to live and national state
- understand and accept that there is a difference between Palestinian people and Hamas
- discover your fear of losing your ground to live and national state
- learn to love Palestinians, even learn to love Hamas - learn to love your enemies, even if they act violent against you

To the Palestinians:

- accept the Israelis' right of having ground to live and of having a national state
- understand and accept Israel's violence against Palestinian territory as a reaction to their fear of losing their ground to live and national state
- understand and accept that there is a difference between the people of Israel and Israel as a state
- discover your fear of losing your ground to live and national state
- learn to love Israelis, even learn to love Israel's soldiers - learn to love your enemies, even if they act violent against you

To both, Israelis and Palestinians:
- no value is more precious than peace
- love each other
- discuss the borders

As I suggest this as quasi-non-negotiable points, I conclude that this conflict will not come to an end, unless in both parties majorities of "fear-overcoming and love-living" people form. It sounds as if I was dreaming, however, this would just be my interpretation of an agreement on peaceful neighbourhood.

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